
Sunday, October 30, 2011

NaNoWriMo Meet, Snow, and Car Accidents

We had our first snow storm of the season yesterday, and my boyfriend and I traveled to Wilkes-Barre while it happened. We went to a NaNoWriMo kick-off meeting. We had lots of fun. The picture below is how my yard looked from the car when we got home.

This morning, it was super pretty out, so I took pictures. Click to zoooooooooooom. :)

Tim and I left not long after those pictures so we could get to his house and he could play games. There's a bridge on my road that's on a really sharp, blind turn. Tim always calls it a death turn. Well, we were going a normal speed like we always do around that thing, and there was this 10-meter-long patch of black ice. We lost traction, the front right part of the car hit the bridge, then the back end hit when the car fishtailed, and we bounced to the other side of the bridge where the front hit a wall and the airbags went off. We're both uninjured - just a little sore from hitting the seats sort of hard. The car, not so much. Lots of body damage and a bad coolant leak at least, so we don't know what his parents will do about that yet.

So that was my weekend! 


  1. I can'rt help but think that this still falls a little under the "I told you so" territory.
    It's good to know you two are alright though.

  2. Not really. The entire lane was seriously covered in ice that we couldn't see, and Tim was going to speed limit. There wasn't anything that could be done about it once the car lost traction.
